
Refunds & Exchanges

You will need a copy of the receipt to obtain a refund or exchange or know when it was purchased.

Changed your mind or received as a gift?

Providing the item is still in its original packaging and has not been opened then we are happy to exchange it or provide you with a store voucher to the value of the purchase.

Doesn’t do what we said it would or what you asked for?

Providing the item is still in its original packaging and has not been opened them we are happy to exchange it, provide you with a store voucher to the value of the purchase or provide you with a full refund.

Broken or damaged goods?

If you opened the packaging to find a major problem, return it immediately to be exchanged. If similar product is not available, one can be ordered, or a store voucher given to spend equal value.

A major problem is when the product:

  • Has a problem that would have stopped someone from buying the item if they had known about it.
  • Is unsafe
  • Is significantly different from the sample or description.

If the problem is not major, we will repair the item within a time frame.

Any faulty products with guarantees from the manufacturer will be forwarded to manufacturer for issue to be resolved.

Return Shipping Costs

Customers are responsible for all shipping costs to return goods. If a refund is granted, all shipping costs will be refunded upon presentation of proof of shipping costs.

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